A major new facility for a specialist engineering provider
Oil States Manufacturing & Testing Facility

Collaboration and a meticulously crafted program of works restored the delayed delivery of this significant new oil industry production and testing facility.
The background
The creation of a new 21,000m2 manufacturing and testing facility for Oil States, a major provider of integrated energy systems and solutions, was originally to be used for engineering research and development. Prior to our involvement a number of problems during the initial design and construction had resulted in a protracted and incomplete initial development and construction phase.
Oberlanders were appointed to review the existing condition of the project and to develop a programme of works for the completion and fit-out of the buildings.

The design approach
Over the course of twelve months, extensive surveys of the existing buildings were carried out to determine their state of completion, the depth and magnitude of the technical problems and to develop prioritised solutions to resolve these to ensure smooth delivery of the project. Our team worked hand in hand with Oil States, developing an in-depth understanding of the technical requirements for a heavy industrial facility and the client’s operations. It was critical to identify what led to the initial failures in construction and create robust solutions to ensure future progress. Through close collaboration with the contractor, client, and design team, coupled with our consistent on-site presence, we absorbed essential insights to streamline the construction process and ensure a successful build.

The impact
The buildings were successfully completed allowing the client to take occupation and commence operations on the site, adding further capability and resilience to their UK and worldwide operations.
The successful outcome of this project was down to the collaboration between all parties - the contractor, the client and the design team, all regularly being on site pushing towards completion.
Steve Charman