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Realising the power to impact wellbeing through inclusive design.

G5 B 0210

Wellbeing embodies a people-first philosophy in building design, recognising the user as the most valuable asset within any architectural endeavour.

Our Wellbeing service helps clients discover value by identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement across a physical space and the potential for positive influence upon the people who use it.

Through a series of meetings, surveys, workshops, and reporting, we help you to understand which areas of design will provide the greatest potential for enhancing user experience and in a workplace setting, staff retention and performance. Each project is unique and so outcomes are tailored and focused.

By engaging Wellbeing from the project's inception, we shape design decisions and uphold accountability for delivering to these needs from inception to completion.

Following a project's completion, a post-occupancy evaluation survey provides a holistic view of the project's success in addressing Wellbeing needs and enhancing user experiences.

Where clients wish to prioritise wellbeing design without being constrained by formal wellbeing accreditation, we can shadow the wellbeing systems.


2311 N136
JHI Multifunctional Space

A major challenge businesses are facing is how to draw their workforce back to the office, by offering something beyond the convenience of working from home. Wellbeing recognises that people thrive in diverse and social environments, so by providing choice and flexibility in how spaces can be used - such as breakout areas, quiet zones, social hubs and customisable workstations—employers are empowered to meet a range of needs in a single location.

Wellbeing recognises that people thrive in diverse and social environments, so by providing choice and flexibility in how spaces can be used, employers are empowered to meet a range of needs in a single location.

2580 N44
2311 N138

If a building is designed with a diverse and inclusive approach to people in mind, it can enhance productivity, performance, recovery, concentration, staff retention and reduce adverse health, mental health & neurodiversity outcomes. To be truly successful, Wellbeing should not be a “nice to have” but a core design principle that's seen through from inception to completion.

Sarah Packham-Dunn

Wellbeing lead

If you'd like to know more about this service, please contact us.

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